Public Lands Maps and Data
KMZ file maps for Cherokee National Forest Stands. All 10,000+ stands in the Cherokee. Interfaces with Google Earth and other map services. Click on a stand and the basic information comes up: stand, compartment, forest type, management type, age, basal area, etc.
Pisgah/Nantahala National Forest Fire History. This data covers the wildfire history of the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests in North Carolina going back to the 1980's.
Shawnee National Forest Stands- All of the stands in the Shawnee. Interfaces with Google Earth and other map services. Click on a stand and the basic information comes up: stand, compartment, forest type, management type, age, basal area, etc.
National Forests in Mississippi Stands. Also in kmz format. Click on a stand and the basic information comes up: stand, compartment, forest type, management type, age, basal area, etc.
Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area Stands- bundled into a Shapefile Format.